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Cauliflower Pasta Dough Recipe


Updated: Jan 18

For those of us who can’t eat gluten or are just trying to cut down on carbs but LOVE pasta, the idea of cutting vegetables in strips will never substitute for the real thing. Cauliflower pasta is gluten-free, low in carbs, and has more vitamins than rice or wheat flour. Best of all, pasta dough made from cauliflower tastes just like wheat pasta!

In theory you can make your own cauliflower flour, but CauliPower Baking Mix is just so easy! The baking mix also includes yeast, sunflower seed protein, and other gluten-free flours. It can be found on Amazon and in grocery stores like Sprouts.

Fresh pasta hanging on a drying rack beside a pasta machine on a white table. A package labeled CAULIPOWER Baking Mix is visible.

Cauliflower Pasta Dough Recipe

Prep Time: 30 minutes with 1 hour minimum to dry

Cook Time: 2 - 5 minutes

Serves: 5 people


  • 1 bag (12 oz) of CauliPower Baking Mix

  • 4 eggs

  • 1 cup of water

  • pasta machine & pasta drier

  • or if hand-making the pasta:

    • rolling pin

    • towels

    • metal ruler

Salad and pasta with sausage and stuffed tomato on yellow floral plates. Cheese grater, glass of ice water on a white table.


  1. Pour the CauliPower Baking Mix in a large bowl. Make a indent in the middle and add the eggs.

  2. Using a fork, mix the eggs and flour together. The dough will appear crumbly at first.

  3. Add water to the mixture until you can form the dough into a ball. Transfer the dough to a flat surface and work in the water until the dough can its shape.

    1. Don't add all the water at once.

  4. Continue to knead until the mixture is an even color and texture.

    1. Unlike wheat dough, kneading isn't necessary to activate the gluten. Instead, kneading is a good way to make sure the mixture is an even consistency - so no need to set a timer.

    2. For correct consistency, the dough shouldn't stick to your fingers.

    3. There is a fine line between too wet and too dry and once you start cutting the pasta you will be able to feel the difference.

  5. Add the remaining water as you cut the pasta so it does not dry out.

  6. Cutting the pasta by machine:

    1. Cut the mixture into 6 sections.

    2. For the sections into thin rectangles by hand.

    3. Pass the section through the lowest setting on the pasta machine 3 times, the next lowest setting 3 times, and so on until the desired thickness.

    4. Then pass the dough through the fettucine cut portion of the machine and hang to dry (or place on towel if no pasta drier).

    5. Repeat for each section.

  7. Cutting the pasta by hand:

    1. Cut the pasta into half.

    2. Roll onto a clean flat surface for the desired thickness.

    3. Cut the pasta to desired length.

    4. Place cut pasta on towel and leave to dry in a cool, dry place.

    5. Repeat with remaining dough.

    6. Let the cut dough dry for at least 1 hour.

    7. Dried fresh pasta is good for 1-2 weeks. Store in a cool, dry place.

  8. To cook:

    1. Boil water and cook pasta for 2-5 minutes.

    2. Drain and rinse.

    3. Serve with favorite sauce!

Tips & Alternatives:

  • It's faster to cut the dough by hand, but it's easier to get the correct thickness by machine.

  • Cauliflower dough is easier to cut with a machine than wheat dough because there's no gluten.

    • If the rollers won't cut, this means the dough is too soft. Add additional flour or let the pasta rest.

  • This recipe, like most fresh pasta recipes, works best for fettuccine.

    • Egg pasta is called "fresh pasta" while spaghetti and other non-egg pasta is considered "dried pasta."

  • Pasta Shapes & Dimensions:

    • Fettuccine: cut 1/32 inch thick pasta in long strands about 1/8 inch wide

    • Farfalle: cut pasta into rectangles about 1 ½ x 1 inch and pinch each one together at the center

    • Lasagna: cut into rectangles about 8 x 4 inches

    • Tagliatelle: cut ribbons about 3/8 inch wide

  • Can substitute white wine or olive oil for water.

  • Can season the pasta dough.

    • Before adding the eggs, mix in the desired seasoning.

    • Don't season with salt! It makes the dough tougher and can easily result in over-salted pasta.

    • Fresh Oregano: add 1/2 cup, minced

    • Fresh Basil: add 1 and 1/2 cup, minced


Caulipower has 80 calories per 24 grams with 17 grams of carbs, and 45% of Vitamin C, 4% Iron, 4% Magnesium, and 6% Calcium. Net 14 grams of carb per 24 grams.


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